Ole Germann Kristensen
IT Consultant Specializing in Integration and Business Logic
Hi! Welcome to my page.
This page under the 1kristensen.no domain is dedicated to my professional accomplishments and interests.
My full name is Ole Germann Kristensen, but you can call me Ole (/ˈuːlə/). I currently reside in the city of Sarpsborg in Norway with my fiancée and daughter.
I work as an Integration Consultant for Advania, iBiz in the capital city of Oslo, where I work with BizTalk and Azure to create cost-efficient, traceable, and fault-tolerant integrations.
Work Experience
Integration Consultant, iBiz Advania, June 2022 – Present
At iBiz Advania, I specialize in integration and business logic. Here are some of the skills and technologies I’ve worked with:
Azure Integrations
Designed and developed trackable, guaranteed delivery solutions using Azure API Management, Service Bus topics, queues, and Function Apps.
BizTalk Integrations
Learnt the ins and outs of the BizTalk platform, designing and deploying custom components for use cases beyond BizTalk’s standard capabilities. Deployed about 80 integrations.
CI/CD using DevOps
Utilized DevOps pipelines to build, test, and deploy solutions in a standardized and accessible way.
DevOps Repositories
Used Git for version control and codespaces, maintaining an organized structure with descriptive commit messages and purposeful branching.
DevOps Sprints
Experienced in using queries and managing tasks in DevOps.
Written PowerShell scripts for pipelines and standalone applications for generating files and structures.
Remote Work
Efficiently communicated and managed projects remotely, leveraging DevOps and Teams despite location differences.
YAML Pipelines
Leveraged YAML to create pipelines programmatically, completing tasks in conjunction with Bicep.
Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Development of Information Systems: Programming, Høgskolen i Østfold, June 2019 – May 2024
This degree covers all main aspects of backend systems, teaching core paradigms through several programming languages. I am considering further studies to pursue a master’s degree. Below is a list of key subjects:
Web Development (Webutvikling)
Focusing on the core browser technologies HTML and CSS.
Programming 1 (Programmering 1)
Fundamentals of programming using JavaScript.
Technology and Society (Teknologi og samfunn)
Introduction to IT and the basics of academics.
Programming 2 (Programmering 2)
Object-oriented programming using Java, covering objects, abstraction, and inheritance.
Database Systems (Databasesystemer)
Focused on database design, normalization standards, and avoiding dependencies and duplicates using MySQL.
Introduction to Data Security (Innføring i datasikkerhet)
Explored various IT security concepts, including attacking Windows 8 machines using Kali Linux with a hash decryption tool.
Introduction to Operating Systems (Innføring i operativsystemer)
Explored Unix operating systems using CLI and C code to view processes.
Discrete Mathematics (Diskret Mattematikk)
Programming mathematics, logical notation, sets, matrix calculation, and functions.
Software Engineering and Testing (Software Engineering og testing)
Covered version control, unit tests, code patterns, paradigms, and collaborative work using Git.
Algorithms and Data Structures (Algoritmer og datastrukturer)
Compared different sorting algorithms using big O notation and explored more complex algorithms such as search trees.
Framework (Rammeverk)
Created and packaged frameworks for Java with re-use and flexibility in mind.
Built a full-stack web application using ASP.NET and C#.
Android App Development (Mobilprogrammering)
Designed and created an Android application using Android Studio, Kotlin, and Firebase. My group created TaskWise, listed under Projects.
Read more under “projects” further down below.
Webapplications (Webapplikasjoner)
Fullstack webapplication using Javascript. (Node.js, react)
Big Data
Encompassed distributed data and datasets using graph and document databases, as opposed to traditional matrix databases like SQL.
Parallel and Distributed Programming (Parallell og distribuert programmering)
Delved deeper into the functional programming paradigm and how it enables code and tasks to be efficiently split into multiple processing units.
Bachelor – “Light System”
Read more under “projects” further down below.
Although my profession suggests I am solely interested in digital technology, my interests stretch far and wide. Here are some of my main interests:
I develop several systems for my home and life to improve efficiency. For example, I avoid folding clothes by hanging them directly on hangers after washing.

I’ve been playing paintball for 13 years and currently captain my team. We play “speedball,” a competitive format of paintball.

I love working with wood and enjoy small projects like shelves, though I dream of larger projects like creating a coffee table.
Arts and Crafts
I enjoy creating projects for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
BlackBox Christmas presents
The black box project is a theme of gifts I give during christmas. These incorporate lights and other effects to create an interactive gift-opening experience.
I rig up with smokemachines, custom lighting, sound and ornaments for those who dare to ring my doorbell during Halloween.
I love fixing things. Recently, I fixed my car’s parking sensors for 70 NOK instead of paying 3500 NOK for a new part. I’ve also repaired drills, computers, and washing machines.
I am a blood donor and love to give gifts. I contribute whenever I see an opportunity to help.
Light System
The Light System project stems from my bachelor project and is designed to work with Philips Hue lights to simulate the daylight cycle for geriatric patients suffering from dementia. This fork was developed by me utilizing the L.A.M.P (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack, and is not a finalized version. The submitted version was a collaborative project that used Node for its stack.
TaskWise is an Android application that enables users to manage tasks efficiently using checkboxes, as well as time tasks so that you can efficiently plan out your day through statistical averages.
If you would like to get in touch, please connect with me on LinkedIn where I can provide additional contact information.